Day : 1 Date : 4.24.15
Str Cty : Home Str Mls. : 65
End Cty : Home End Mls : 300
Dly Mls : 240 Tot Mls : 240
Time. : 5 hr Notes : with Paul and in rain/cold. Rode 151 to Dodgeville, then to Montfort where I bought blue and Gorgonzola cheese, on to Prairie du Chein, up 35 to 82 and east in the rain to Viroqua. Home on 14 as the temp dropped from 50 to 41. Took Paul home in the car. Good breakin and test ride..
Day : 2 Date : 4.26 Sunday
Str Cty : home Str Mls. : 300
End Cty : home End Mls : 425
Dly Mls : 125 Tot Mls : 4225
Time. : 3 hrs Notes : sunny and mid 50s
rode 14 to Janesville, then 59 to Whitewater, north cross country to Johnson Creek and home on 12 with Paul.
Day : 3 Date : 4.27-30
Str Cty : home Str Mls. : 572
End Cty : home End Mls : 741
Dly Mls : 256 Tot Mls : 741
Notes : a day of riding with Paul for 121 miles and then to Mischlers BMW for 600 mile service and adjustments.. now the GSA is ready for the trip.
Day : 4 Date : 5.4.15 Monday
Str Cty. : Home Str Mls. : 741
End Cty : Bloomington, IN/Nook End Mls : 1158
Dly Mls : 422 Tot Mls : 1158
Time. : 6:40 Notes : upper back/IL bridge was out...
Comfortable temps all day..Left at 8 and proceeded to Janesville the back way. Caught 39 to 74 to 57 and Tuscola. A little rain before Bloomington IL.. Started across Illinois and came to a closed road due to the absence of a bridge. Went south on farm road, some gravel, in southeast direction adding 20 miles to my trip. Caught I-70 thru Terra Haute, onto SR 46 thru Spencer and Ellettsville, arriving at Kelzie's at 5 with sore butt and tired shoulders. Applebee's for dinner with Kelzie after her swim practice.
Day : 5 Date. : 5.5.15 Tuesday
Str Cty. : Bloomington Str Mls. : 1158
End Cty : Florence AL End Mls : 1544
Dly Mls : 390 Tot Mls : 812/1544
Time. : 8 hours Notes : last 100 miles on the Trace.
Left when Kelzie went to write a paper at 8am. Got gas and headed to hwy 45. My gps took me out on the country roads in Eastern Green, past the HS, and past the farm we looked at several times but could not get a solid $$ number. I got a great review of the farm conditions around Bloomington- the conditions of the land look great and haying should start this week. The further south I got the worse the farming progress was. Finally, I got to 231 south and rode to Owensboro at the Ohio River. I did not realize I went back to CST. From there I caught 431 in Kentucky and rode all the way to just outside Nashville. There I got on the Natchez Trace and rode 100 miles before cutting off to Forence, AL. Stopped at the Merryweather Lewis memorial. After Lewis and Clark finished their trek Clark became the administrator for the western frontier and Lewis committed suicide along the Natchez Trace. About 150 miles out my back started to bother and the pain moved to my front left rib area. Pressure on my front reduced the pain. Rode downtown Florence - impressive in it's style and finish..downtown is all open and clean, the University of North Alabama is beautiful, and southern style housing is beautifully kept... The harbor is on the Tennessee River and the Tombigbee water way.
Day. : 6 Date : 5.6.15 Wednesday
Str Cty. : Florence Str Mls. : 812/1544
End Cty : Laurel, MS End Mls : 2052
Dly Mls : 499 Tot Mls : 1311
Time. : 8.5 hrs Notes : pain-ache / believe it is phantom.
Left in 70 degrees at 8:00 and drove 30 miles back to the Trace for 50 mph speeds (59). I pre medicated for pain but it did not work and just made me drowsy. Ate 2 bananas for potassium and drank two diet cokes. My pain started at 10 and late in the day I decided it was phantom pain from my damaged nerve on the left thorax. I stopped trying to relieve it and let the pain go; it did not consume so much of my actions and attention. Rode the 385 miles on the Trace by 3 and turned east for 135 miles much faster to Laurel and the HIx. Had a bad salad at the best restaurant in Laurel. The town does not look prosperous and well kept, except I slept well.
Day : 7 Date :5.7.15. Thursday
Str Cty : Laurel Str Mls. : 2052
End Cty : Dothan, AL End Mls : 2313
Dly Mls : 260 Tot Mls : 1572
Time. : 4:30 Notes : nice afternoon rest
Left at 8 at 70 degrees in great sun. Initially the terrain was forest and I passed hundreds of log trucks on Hwy 84. Gradually the land was farmable and cotton was a primary crop. Arrived at Geoff and Luree Hubbard's house (kids are Zane and Ashlynn) in Ozark AL at 12:30. Nice short day. I had a lot of problems with phantom pain emanating from my left front rib cage that is numb from surgery around to my back bone. Nothing relieves the pain but getting off my bike and standing up. We had a nice time talking with Luree until the kids got home from school and Geoff arrived from work. Geoff's back is making good progress from the surgery more major than mine. They have brought a tractor anticipating the acquisition of a farm. Yard looks great! After visiting we went to Dothan where I shall stay and for dinner at Outback.
Day : 8 Date. : 5.8.15 Friday
Str Cty. : Dothan Str Mls. : 2313
End Cty : South Pasadena, FL End Mls : 2673
Dly Mls : 365 Tot Mls : 1936 miles
Time. : 5:45 Notes : hot in the last hour
Left in comfortable shinning weather and rode to Tallahassee on 84-29. Took I-10 to 19 and turned south all on four lane. I had three pains- butt from sitting on my non-Russell (custom) seat, clavicle ache from keeping my arms up in riding position, and 3 minor bouts with phantom nerve pain 2ndary to lung surgery injury. Thank God my phantom pain did not act up today- I am grateful not to have to deal with that problem all day and let it wreck the mood of the ride. Got to Elaine and Ross Jett's in South Pasadena at 3:30 and refreshed along with updates of our lives. We had a lovely dinner by the bay and a ride-walk around downtown St Petersburg for gelato.
Day : 9 Date : 5.9.15 Riding to the Fourth Corner
Str Cty. : South Pasadena Str Mls. : 2673
End Cty : Marathon Key End Mls : 3127
Dly Mls : 459 Tot Mls : 2395
Time. : 8:46 Notes : above 94 deg/hot!
Left at 8 after a breakfast out with Jetts. Temp in the low 80s but made it to 90 degrees and above by noon. 200 miles on I-65 before turning onto the Tamiami Trail thru the Everglades and the Big Cypress swamp. From then on I had to contend with traffic and slower than 55 speeds all the way across Hwy 41 and then down Hwy 1 in the Keys. Nice to look out for where we learned to ocean sail and anchored...great memories of bygone adventures. Saw a huge wild iguana. Marathon HIx at 3:00 in 87 deg heat to cool down before riding on to Key West and back here for the nite. Rode the 100 mile round trip to take a picture of Southernmost.. The last time I was there I was all alone; now I could not get an encumbered pic. I wanted to get the Sundown celebration for Kelzie but the press of people and traffic made my bike overheat. After getting back I went to the Sundown Restaurant and ordered a Cobb with shrimp on top...then I noticed calami so I got a side thereof..local seafood. Now to cool off. Only a couple of short bouts with phantom pain and some clavicle ache... Feeling better riding. My bike is 2 weeks and 2 days old and turned 3000 miles today.. This year I have ridden 10200 miles so far.
Day : 10 Date. : 5.10.15 Sunday
Str Cty. : Marathon Str Mls. : 3127
End Cty : Savannah area End Mls : 3736
Dly Mls : 515 Tot Mls : 3010
Time. : 11 hrs Notes : fast & hot
Up at 6 and off by 7 to avoid as much heat as possible..went well until Dayton Beach..130 miles to Hollywood Marina (where we had a boat home!) on Hwy 1 and the Florida Turnpike. Little change at the marina but did not talk to anyone. Rode on for 150 miles on I-95 to Daytona to meet Brian and Lynette Fitzpatrick at the flea market where she was working. Spent an hour visiting before getting back on the road for another 270 miles to outside Savannah. Since 11am the temp was above 90. Pain was minimal, except for butt on prolonged day. The best-worst meal I've had in the last 10k miles...southern cooking of pulled pork panini with onion hay was great but the nutrition left much to be desired..last trip I came home at the same weight I left at, not this time however. Worked out my travel and visiting schedule.. Trying to slow down.
Day : 11 Date. : 5.11.15 Monday
Str Cty. : Savannah, GA Str Mls. : 3736
End Cty : Sun City, SC End Mls : 3760
Dly Mls : 24 Tot Mls : 3034
Time. : 30 Notes : Sturdevant @ SunCity
Loafed in am and drove the 25 miles to friends in Hilton Head Sun City.. Al and Linn Sturdevant. Will take a rest day... Laundry too... Dinner in Beaufort ...
Day : 12 Date. : 5.12 Tuesday
Str Cty. : Sun City, SC Str Mls. : 3760
End Cty : Atlantic Beach, NC End Mls : 4112
Dly Mls : 356 Tot Mls : 3389
Time. : 6:30 Notes : to Smail/Crandells
Rode from Beaufort (eu) SC to Beaufort (oo) NC on Hwy 17. Left in great weather and rode the road closest to the coast on limited access roads. Lots of trashy areas like Myrtle Beach and it got hot - 90s - only for about 1 hour, before it was 85 deg from ocean breezes. Arrived at 3:30 in Atlantic Beach NC (a great community on the outer beaches) at friends - Ken Smail/ Kathy Crandell- from Milwaukee and were my mentors of starting practice in WI. Spent hours catching up about our kids and their sail to/from Europe on their sailboat. Dinner in Beaufort. Fantastic what has happened with all of us since 2000, when we lost contact.. Lou called about South Africa ...
Day : 13 Date. : 5.13 Wednesday
Str Cty. : Atlantic Beach Str Mls. : 4112
End Cty : Hampton, VA End Mls : 4343
Dly Mls : 232 Tot Mls : 3621
Time. : 6:30 Notes : FINISHING THE BORDERS...
I learned Bob Reese died and waited during the day for details about his funeral. Rode Hwy 17 to Norfolk stopping at Elizabeth City to see where we docked at the end of the Dismal Swamp Canal in 1990 on election eve...The canal was surveyed by George Washington. I stopped at our anchorages/docking in Marathon, Key West, Key Largo, Biscayne Bay, Hollywood, Hilton head, Beaufort, Myrtle Beach, Beaufort, Moorhead, James River, Elizabeth City, Norfolk, and Hampton ( where we pulled anchor to find a cannon ball stuck therein). I decided to go to part of the outer bank but did not see much as the area next to the ocean was short, wasting time really. Got screwed up in Norfolk, trying to go to the anchorage there and went in the wrong tunnel or two to get to Hampton. This was the finish of my riding the borders of the U.S. Finally got off my bike. Then went touring to the harbor and Hampton University. Beautiful weather just right for long sleeves-what relief... In 15 days of riding = 4343 miles.
Day : 14 Date. : 5.14 Thursday
Str Cty. : Hampton, VA Str Mls. : 4343
End Cty : Fairfax, VA End Mls : 4535
Dly Mls : 192 Tot Mls : 3813
Time. : 4.5 hrs never above 61 deg
Learned Bob's funeral is Sunday afternoon so instead of overnite with Werner's in Indiana, I shall ride home Saturday and cut my trip short. I left at 8 in 60 degrees and rode Hwy 17 to 28 with some corners cut thru the hinterlands to see the countryside. I arrived 12:30 at the home of Celeste and Scott Meyer on Meyer Wood Lane. Celeste and I sat outside to catch up until Scottie got home from his grant writing firm and the discussion went on, mostly about our Carroll experience, football days and plays, and our many brothers-girlfriends-acquaintances, "do you remember ...". Had a nice time with their lab, Jeffrey who is named for Scott's deceased brother who was developmentally challenged. Scott has written a lovely book about Jeffrey's life and experience and his own experience of having this older brother ...beautiful! We went out to eat and watched our palate as all are on WW. Beautiful home in a beautiful setting, now surrounded by starter castles.
Day : 15 Date. : 5.15.15 Friday
Str Cty. : Fairfax, VA Str Mls. : 4535
End Cty : Huron, OH End Mls : 4950
Dly Mls : 421 miles Tot Mls : 4235
Time: 6:30 Notes : little rain /no pain
Rode expressway except thru Bedford- Everett PA area to see our old and first house and orchard out of Everett. Dick and Darlene Paulsen in Huron, OH. Stopped to see our home south of Everett on 26 and had coffee with Marg Robbinette and Gary came in, he was 6 when we left PA. One terribly scary movement when a person pulled in my lane forcing me nearly into the center barrier before I got control and made him back down and in his own lane. Riding fast roads all day is little fun.
The evening was consumed by meeting daughters, son in law, the 4 grand children and having a locally caught fish fry. We kibitzed til exhaustion and we're off for a great sleep. Had a great time at Darlene and Dick Paulsen's home and family. Dick was my freshman floor counselor and I last saw him at Ohio Univ in '66. They are parenting the three developmental challenged grandchildren.. A fun zoo at times... I really enjoyed the kids... Also their 2 daughters, son in law and new grandchild where there. A huge, very functional and beautiful home. What a great time and reunion... Slept great and up early.
Day : 16 Date. : 5.16 Saturday
Str Cty. : Huron, O H Str Mls. : 4950
End Cty : Home End Mls : 5412
Dly Mls : 452 Tot Mls : 4587
Time. : 6:30 Notes : all interstate and thru Chicago/ 1 hr rain
Left at 6:30 CST and rode fast.. At 100 miles I put on rain gear and stayed covered for 75 miles.. Then sun. When I-80 was toll I decided I might as well cut off 50 miles and take I490 around Chicago. It was not bad on a Saturday morning. Arrived home about 1:30 and had a tour from Marnie and a discussion of all the changing flora and fauna... Started the process of managing finances, requests and payment for my tolls. I am tired from the last 2 days and 1000 miles... However, I must ride my bike another 600 miles before she needs I am I texting my brother to lead me on a big ride...
Overall a fast trip... Phantom pain did not bother in the last week, sorbunitis was a problem because I did not have a Russell seat, and shoulder/back ache were minimal as the trip went is basically comfortable, stable, quick and fast.. Rode a lot of 80 mph interstates. Over half of last years miles are complete... I worked out on Sunday and discovered I lost 1 # on this trip....
Day : 17 Date. : 5.
Str Cty. : Home Str Mls. : 5412
End Cty : St Ignatius, MI End Mls :
Dly Mls : Tot Mls :
Time. : Notes : with brother Paul to up milage
Day : 18 Date. : 5.
Str Cty. : St Ignatius, MI Str Mls. :
End Cty : Home End Mls :
Dly Mls : Tot Mls :
Time. : Notes :