Currently we farm in Bean Blossom Township-Monroe County-Gosport in south-central Indiana. We have 140+\- acres- 70 of classified forest/woods, 12 fenced for animals, & 58 for hay to feed and sell. We have 15 lambs, 3 goats, 2 dogs, 1 cat and 12 heifers with 5 calves. We attacked the invasive species, fenced for animals, built a barn for cattle and smaller animals. In the last two years we have bought and sold two sets of cattle, bred 8 ewes producing 12 lambs. We divested of sheep for the winter of the second of R's hip replacement (so he can continue to ride his moto). Recovery from the second hip has been problematic at best.

The problem is - 45 minutes one way to Bloomington so we spend 1.5 hours in the car daily. We Are isolated and we cannot travel together or for an extended period of time - R got to go with Kelzie to compete in the New Orleans 1/2ironman and M will go to Brazil where the next full Ironman will be held. We have not seen friends outside the US for 5 years. You can see we are torn between the best place we will ever live and more freedom.

In addition to farm development we have done considerable work on the house improving the dining room, stormed the doors, painted in/out, built a pergola, planted 120 walnut trees, etc. This has been the most dramatic place we shall ever live.
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