Friday, July 8, 2011

Hay Again

Tuesday started by cutting 15 acres which produced 54 1700# bales, 3.6 bales per acre - a record. Cut 13 acres on Wednesday and baled today, over 3 bales per acre. Tomorrow we bale the last 12 acres, hoping for a record first cutting and a long rest from 10 hours a day in the tractor. The weather is beautiful and dry so we are delighted...
Kelzie is coming on the 7th for a race in Muncie on the 9th, then stay home until competition in Racine WI on the 16th. She got here at 4am and M took her to Muncie this noon.  We follow this evening for competition at 8am - 1.2 swim, 56 miles biking, amf 13.1 mile RUN..... then home for the week and in Racine next weekend.

Dakota Red has taken up residence with neighboring friends to whose house she often ran. Has only run once and is enjoying the in-house amenities and several dog friends. She will remain there as long as she observes decorum. Cat Lloyd has be missing for 6 weeks, suspeced of being eating by coyotes. we are having a diminishing herd of frigate to trap and remove - only 60 + skunks, possums and raccoons this spring.

Finished hay last week - 168 bales on 48 acres - 3.5 bales/acres and 80 some tons... all sold.. Rained last nite so second cutting is started unlike last yeare when he had a draught between June 20 and Oct 15 and very little second cutting..  Worked yesterday helping neighbor get his hay up and in..

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