Lambs recovering and Mini Passes - Goats Willow and Wee Willy to Circus
All the lambs are looking good but Mini never recovered and died last week (actually a releif) as we did not know what to do to aid her recovery. The large Sannen goats were sent to friends to join a larger herd of goats as they we getting very problematic and interfering with the other animals. We go our first rain today 9.9 and doubt it will lead to any vegetation recovery. We will not get any second cutting hay and everyone is worried about hay supplies as they have had to start feeing hay 2 months early. Actually, while we had more moistuare this year and later, the DRAUGHT is worse because of the cummulative effect of two years shortage- grass is not growing and trees are dying. Rental water supply sprung an underground leak- need to go dig..... Got it repaired by noon and now watch for more problems before covering this one.
Cloudy and cold all week... Maybe rain for the IU VIRGINIA game tonite in which case we could forgo the loss.. cleaned barns and organized the workshed this week for inside work.
Kelzie is in an Ironman at Cedar Point in Sandusky Ohio this Sunday. We can not follower h online as this is a different race company and not on the net. Hope for a finish and a good one at that.

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