Sunday, November 13, 2011


I figured writing about it would help but it does not.... Demise of the farm... We can not g on in the maintenance mode but taking the living part away hurts... Goat went to a 10 year old whose father rent pasture for his cattle. Sheep went to a neighbor who will start a herd within 3 miles (which makes us feel good). Decisioins about Chili are coming hard.. Gretchen's family, with the farm, with us.....Packing comes easy to reduce the pressure and futility of demise feelings.. Plans to move are developing, but where we shall end up is up in the air and scary- Marnie is doing a wonderful job of searching, sorting, looking and try out the feel of possibilities which make the end point with some closure we do not have yet. The leaves are gone and the only vestiges of us member are southern winds which bring unusual warmth and grey days. We shall muddle on with marching fortitude.

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