Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Garage Project - Summer 2013..

April 28 - Sunday

Moved decorative plants and pads for plant pots.

April 29 - Monday

Mike Fountain layed out and dug the 10x20 foot foundation for the addition to the garage. Issues : design approved v. thot, electric and water lines for watering system, landscape edging out, and tree transplant. Lite rain at 1:00. Delivers digger and carrier. Moved arbor vitae tree. Who knows... Mike Fountain did not return after his physician's appointment yesterday.

April 30 - Tuesday

Lite rain over nite... Should dig today anyway.... Dug footer 4' wide and 5' deep, must be below 3'6" for the freeze line.  If not rain, footer tomorrow... 83 high.

 May 3 - Friday
Rain and 36, so NO Footer built and filled. 

May 7 - Tuesday
Got green card from the building inspector saying we can form and pour when ready.

May 8 - Wednesday
Came mid afternoon and formed the footer.. Then at 4:30 it was poured in spite of red card from the Inspector who came at 1:00

May 9 - Thursday
Remove forms for footers and install wall forms. Rain started at 9:00. Formed and poured by 2:30 in mild sprinkle. Re-inspected and approved.

May 10 - Friday
Forms off the walls.. Tuesday to back fill.. Told Ben (sprinkler man) so he could reconnect the watering system . Tip $60

May 14 - Tuesday
Dirt hauled, backfill, gravel into interior of addition foundation by Mike.

May 15 - Wednesday
Poured the floor about 3:00 and finished at 8:00. Tip $20

May 16 - Thursday
Sprayed sealant on concrete

May 17 - Friday
Rain.. Mike worked out roofline with architectural committee.

May 20 - Monday
Framing was to begin.  Trash wagon came.. No carpenters showed

May 21-Tuesday
Wood is delivered and visit from Kris.

 May 22 - Wednesday
Kris and crew of 3 started at 8am.. Opened up, eaves off and ready to beam the opening by noon.   Moved wall.. Too tall and angle to joists were too tall... Frustration.

May 23 - Thursday
Up at 2 am... Pissed and frustrated over addition.  Emailed Mike and got a 8:30 meeting with him and Kris. Did not look as bad as we thought and they guaranteed finishing so not so high and eyesore.  More comfortable. Staying away from construction.  Wall and rafters in and covered.  Tyvek covered. Tomorrow odds and ends and roofer.

May 24 - Friday
Two workers finish overhang on south... And some other odds and ends. Finished closing in and adding hanger boards. Then late the guy came to seal the roof and put on the metal sides... Roof shingles tomorrow.

May 25 - Saturday
Working on shingles most of the day...

May 26 - Sunday
Worked on roofing and flashing... Out of material so cannot finish until Tuesday

May 28 - Tuesday
Steve the electrician coming for wiring and plugs. Plumber, Nick, coming for toilet and outside spigot in back of house. Eric here to order inspection of framing and electrical.

May 30 - Thursday
Inspection completed and ready to insulate and electrify.

June 1 - Saturday
Eric and the insulation person to insulate today... Eric 3/helper 2

June 7- 14
Interior drywall installed and finished

June 20 week
Finish dry wall... Painting ... Down spout for emergency drainage on deadend gutter

July 6
Kris worked all day and at least until 8:10 on facia and soffit.

July 9 - Tuesday
Fritz (landscaper) called this AM. We are doing a walk-around Thursday afternoon to discuss the schedule and plan. Special ordered siding shingles to arrive at Brunsell today and Kris is to start installing Thursday after painting them tomorrow.

July 10 - Wednesday
No call from Kris confirming tomorrow's installation.

July 11 - Thursday
Message from Kris that our shingles did not arrive on Tuesday and should come in tomorrow. If so, Kris will paint them over the weekend and possibly install Monday and/or Tuesday.

Good afternoon meeting with Fritz, the landscaper to begin developing a plan

July 14, 15, 16 - Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
Siding by Kris after an overwhelming 2 days  of cutting, sanding and some painting of the shingles.

July 14 - Sunday
Ben is scheduled to come tomorrow eve to start the sprinkler system and set it to run 1 X per wk.

July 15 - Monday
Kris and assistant Dan worked all day installing and painting shingles and horizontal board.

July 16 - Tuesday
Kris and Dan finished touch-up and garden wagon bed, uncovered light bulb, installed interior window frames. Done at 11:30. Dan $20 tip,  Kris $80 for extra work beyond contract. Kris gave us all the paint cans and cleaned up pretty well. I organized the leftover boards, primed both sides of the wagon bed and prepared the garage floor for scrubbing to remove construction mud and drywall mud.

July 18 - Thursday
The garage floor is done except for one last spray down and vacuum. Got mud and most drywall mud up.  I will finish the garage tomorrow morning then move all the cars in late day after it dries.

July 19 - Friday
Steve here to hang fluorescent light in addition, install all sockets and covers including outside. Dismantled inoperative light fixture in our bathroom - socket is shot. He recommends taking to Madison Lighting for repair.  No extra charge for his work today.

July 22 - Monday
Meet with Mike re landscaping. Results: Fritz will do all the work, including the yard repair. We pay Mike $400 total and he'll pay Fritz for labor and materials. No paver wall will be used, as originally thought.

July 23 - Tuesday
Rick home from trip west

July 25, 26 - Thursday, Friday
Landscaping by Fritz

August 19
Grass is up, having been watered daily since July 26 (3 1/2 wks). Some areas were overseeded to cover spots where birds ate the grass seed that wasn't adequately  covered by straw.

The shop to the right ... The garage below with the addition in the right pix where the ABC sports flag, which Marnie  "procured" while in college, hanging on the wall and the motorcycles are parked.


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