Monday, May 29, 2017

Cape Cod - East
5.15-22.17 - WI, IL, IN, OH, PA, NY, CT, RI, MA, and BACK 
Day: 1 Date: Monday  5.15.17
Str Cty: Home Str Mls: 72123 / 71837
End Cty: Werner's End Mls: 72418
Dly Mls: 284 Tot Mls: 284
Time: 5:30 Notes: left in 56 degree weather  and went to Janesville on Hwy 14. Stayed on 90 in the interstate to Chicago and took the bypass without stopping for tolls. Stopped and rested south of the city. 80-90 were messed up and signage for rerouting was terrible. Got gas at 222 miles and moved on the Indiana Turnpike to Middlebury, Indiana and the Werner's on Stone Lake. Had a good visit with John and Mike in a relaxed afternoon. John cooked hamburgers and Mike prepared et al for dinner and we had fruit/Kringle for breakfast.

Day: 2 Date: Tuesday 5.16.17
Str Cty: Werner's / Middlebury Str Mls: 72418
End Cty: Bloomsburg, PA End Mls: 72963
Dly Mls: 525 Tot Mls: 810
Time: 7:44 Notes: off by 8:30 on Hwys 120 and 20 to stay off the Indiana turnpike on the Ohio toll road at the border and paid with I pass at the end of Ohio. Wound south of Pittsburgh and entered the Alleghenies .. over the eastern divide and  Chesapeake water shed at 2250 feet and then wandered down in the valleys as the mountain went from n-s to e-w... beautiful spring day. Tough ride cuz of awake at 4 am and not getting back to sleep, but stayed alert with frequent stops. Arrived at 5:08 as predicted 300 miles out. Trump has caused more shit! Thanked Mike and John.. salad for dinner and good sleep. 

Day: 3 Date: Wednesday   5.17.17
Str Cty: Bloomsburg, PA Str Mls: 72963
End Cty: Hyannis, MA End Mls: 73385
Dly Mls: 407 Tot Mls: 1216
Time: 6:30 Notes: hot/exhausted at arrival. Left at 7:45 by accident on I80 in mild weather and rode I80 to I81 to I84 east from Scranton. It was comfortable in the hills and trees, but after the Hudson River it heated up to the mid 80s and was uncomfortable. That problem increased when I went on slow 2 lane roads to stay in line with Providence. From there on it was an attempt to sustain movement in heat and traffic. 3:30 at the HI in Hyannis. The forest floor along this route has no Multa Flora Rose, so the forest floor is clean with small plants and mountain Laurel.. beautiful. Dinner at the Spankys Clam Shack...great! 
Day: 4 Date: Thursday   5.18.17
Str Cty: Hyannis Str Mls: 73385
End Cty: Hyannis End Mls: 73509
Dly Mls: 109 Tot Mls: 1325
Time: 4 hours Notes: surprisingly hot
Rode on the bay side thru towns on the way up to Provincetown. Very classic NEern houses I like and spread out businesses. Great flora and fauna along the narrow highway-6a. I skirted the beaches lined with very small rental cottages, like 1-2 rooms  and lots of nice small motels. I rode down the narrow streets of Provincetown and went to the harbor where we anchored in '90 and took a pic of the town from the wharf. Then I went to the national seashore with sandy dunes and wide  beaches. Coming back I went down more the sea side of the peninsula. I stopped to check my tires, got a parfait, and got gas for tomorrow. I've tried to replan my route out of the Cape to avoid the frustration of getting here.  Rode around town in late day and again got clam strips for dinner at Spankys Clam restaurant.   

Day: 5 Date: Friday  5.19.17
Str Cty: Hyannis, MA Str Mls: 73509
End Cty: Nook's End Mls: 74611
Dly Mls: 1057 miles Tot Mls: 2382
Time: 16 hours Notes: iron butt. 
Left at 6:08am after waking at 5 ... rode 6 to I195 to I95s to CT 9n to CT 66 to I691 to I84w to I81s to I80w to I76 to I71s to I670w to I70w to I465s to Indiana 37s ... arriving at 12:25am. Exhausted from 2 drenchings on I71 60 miles north of Columbus and no rooms were available there or in all of Columbus due to a big Rock Concert. So, I attached to a truck and rode in its shadow all across OH-IN after it turned dark about 9:30. I had two bad slowdowns for construction. My bike ran fast and well. Turned 1000 miles in one day on beltline around Indy. Had 5Guys hamburgers/hot dog at 1am and a cold shower in the am to get back to neutral.

Saturday was a day of cleaning Nook's apt and my bike. Dinner at Chinese and Bruster's graham cracker ice cream for dessert. Rained several times today.

Day: 6 Date: Sunday    5.21.17
Str Cty: Nook's Str Mls: 74611
End Cty: Home End Mls: 75040
Dly Mls: 408 Tot Mls: 2790
Time: 5:45 riding time Notes: rain and cold 

Left at 8:00 and before Ellettsville I got drenched. I changed to rain clothes and moved on up 231 to Crawfordsville.. I started to rumble on I74 to Bloomington and then North on I 39... Caramel Cashew at Normal Culver's...rode fast and spanned 7 1/2 hours overall... 

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