Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Friends to Visit & work on the CBF

Ross and Elaine Jett came for the weekend from Mattoon IL. They are old friends from graduate school at IU. Elaine is an avid fisherwomen who has only caught fish in our lake. She cught many this trip and took three large enough catfish to eat at home. They left on Monday and we worked our 15 lambs on Tuesday - shearing, worming, trimming hooves, & tagging their ears. Our sheep expert friend from whom we buy lambs will master mind the operation and shear the lambs. Our shearers are the Hamiltons- Brian shears and Julie catches. She has been the catcher (since they dated) - they now have 4 children so in addition to sheep she has caught a family. We also need to mow and prepare Chittenden Brook Farm for the feature, full page expose' in the Saturday newspaper.

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