Thursday, June 2, 2011

Just to Complicate Matters

Started day with relax/read time. Then outside to trim the bushes in the north gardens. Up to the work shed to grease and clean the mower and grease the tractor in anticipation of many hours of running to make hay. Then computer work. Finally to the barn to feed and inspect the sheep, feed the goats and collect eggs (2 doz). While in the chicken house a discovery - mother hens had hatched out an unknown high number of guinea chicks the size of mice. Isolated them with mom, provided feed/water for mom (chick do not need to eat for 3 days), and rushed to the house for other supplies in a sweaty, foggy haze. No caughts today - so far this year far 24raccoons and 161 over3 seasons. Back to the barn later to check everyone out......

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