Wednesday, October 12, 2011

More ride

10.12.11 Wednesday
Golden CO to Loveland Pass to Golden to south to Monarck Pass to south Alamosa CO
352 milles /1456 total miles
6:09 traveling but 9 hours total
Started west on I70. Ran into snow at 10k feet and ice shortly thereafter with temperatures dropping from the 40s to freezing...
Slowly with feet down crossed over to east 70 and Golden and Then south on 285 thru the mountains which were cold until crossing hwy 50... Rode 50 to Monarch pass and decided to get warmer by moving out of the mtns and south.. Exhaust in Alamosa so checked into motel.

Thinking of forgetting California and going to Austin to see Kelzie and then home. Tired of cold and being uncomfortable which might extend for another 3600 miles if I proceed. Decide in the morning

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