Saturday, October 15, 2011

Over the Rockies

Thursday -10.13.11
Alamosa CO to Flagstaff AZ
466 miles / 1922 total
I had planned to abort trip because of weather and mnt conditions
but in the morning I decided to Try the northern route to 4 corners-grand canyon
Went over Wolf Creek pass at 10800' in the snow and cold with dry roads. Got to 4CORNERS mid afternoon and the on down to Flagstaff..
7:45 ride time and mostly around 7K feet elevation tho did come down to 5k in navaho country.
Forgot to write about incident yesterday.. On 285 south about noon on clear road a car approaching me went into a skid into my lane and into the ditch. I quickly crossed over behind the vehicle. The car was a mess with blown tires and bent rims but no one hurt--- just me scared. They waved me on and they went the other direct on bare rims on rear end.

Friday - 10.14.11
Around the end
Flagstaff AZ to Tehachapi CA
486 miles / 2390 total.
Average moving speed=68.5. 6:49 ride time
Thru the Mohave desert where temperatures ranged from low 90 to 100 deg F - very uncomfortable
Most elevations were above 5K'
Nice desert scenery

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